۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۹, دوشنبه

روز آخر

صبح، در دو نشست شركت كردم. اولين نشست كه در آن سركار خانم دكتر پريرخ، از دانشگاه فردوسي مشهد مقاله‌اش را ارايه داد. مراسم اختتاميه به صورت ساده و بعد از تعدادي سخنراني برگزار شد. رييس ايفلاي 2009، دكتر لاكس، براي ايفلاي امسال قدرداني كرد. سپس رييس بعدي كنفرانس ايفلاي سوئد معرفي شد. ايفلاي بعدي در شهر گوتنبرگ سوئد برگزار خواهد شد.
نمايشگاه ايفلا فرصت خوبي براي شناخت خدمات و محصولات اطلاع‌رساني، سازمان‌ها و پايگاه‌هاي اطلاعاتي بود. گفتگو درباره ايرانداك و فصلنامه علوم وفناوري اطلاعات مهمترين نتيجه اين سفر بود. كمبود امكانات آي‌سي‌تي به ويژه اينترنت بي‌سيم از جنبه‌هاي منفي كنفرانس بود.
اگرچه من درباره نتايج سفرم مطمئن نيستم اما ما بهترين استفاده را از همه روزهاي اين كنفرانس كرديم و مطمئنا به ما كمك خواهد كرد كه برنامه‌هايي را براي كنفرانس‌هاي بعدي پيشنهاد دهيم.
سرانجام از آقايان دكتر فاطمي، رزمي، كاظمي و خالقيان كه به ما براي اين كنفرانس كمك كردم كمال تشكر را دارم. همچنين از خانم مرادي به خاطر حضور فعال در كنفرانس و معرفي امكانات بالقوه پژوهشگاه به ديگر سازمان‌‌ها سپاسگزارم.
من آرزوي موفقيت براي نمايندگان بعدي ايرانداك در ايفلاي آينده دارم و براي ايرانداك كه بتواند در نمايشگاه‌ها و كنفرانس‌هاي بين‌المللي فعال‌تر شركت نمايد

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۷, شنبه

the last day

Thursday 27 August was the last day of IFLA 2009 conference. At morning I participated two sessions; the first in which , Dr. Parirokh, from Mashhad university, presented her paper. Closing ceremony was held simply and after some speeches, the IFLA 2009 president, Dr. Lux, was appreciated for this conference. Then, the next president from Sweden was introduced. Therefore, the next IFLA will be in Sweden, Goutenberg City.
In regard to this was my first experience of particpating IFLA, I’m not capable of describing or criticizing that as Mrs. Moradi wrote in her post. But, some programs of this conference were interesting and useful for me, like exhibition in which there was an opportunity to know other organizations and databases and also some of the new information products and services. The negotiation about IranDoc and JIST was the most important result of this trip. Lack of some ITC facilities and specially WiFi, through which we could had more communications with our colleagues, was the most negative aspect.
Additionally, about Milan and Italy: Although, there was no time to visit all monuments, I will have in remembrance the gorgeous Doumo, forever.

However, I’m not sure about my trip results; we did our best to use of all days in this conference. This experience, certainly, helps me to suggest some plans for the next conferences.
Finally, I do appreciate Dr. Fatemi, Mr. Razmi, Mr. Kazemi, and Mr. Khaleghian who helped us for this conference. Also, Thanks to Mrs. Moradi participated actively and tried to introduce the potentials of IranDoc to the other organizations.

I wish success for the next delegates of IranDoc in IFLA in coming years and for IranDoc to be more active in the international conferences and exhibitions.

ماموريت انجام شد

انتشارات آكسفورد به ما پيشنهاد داد تا مجله‌مان را به آن‌ها بفرستيم آن‌ها قبول كردند كه مجله ما را نمايه كنند.

روز آخر: 27 آگوست

مراسم اختتاميه ساعت 16 تا 18 امروز برگزار شد. ايفلاي 75‌ام نكات مهي را منطبق با ارتباطات علمي داشت. نمايشگاه‌هاي خيلي خوبي كه شركت‌هاي معروف و همچنين انتشارات مربوط به كتابداري و اطلاع‌رساني را به خوبي نشان مي‌داد اما خدمات اطلاع‌رساني براي نشان دادن محصولات و توليدات ضعيف بود. فردي نبود كه به صورت روشن به سوالات شركت‌كنندگان در خصوص اطلاعات غرفه‌ها پاسخ بدهد. حتي غرفه‌هايي كه مسوول بودند نمي‌تونستند به خوبي آنچه را كه ارايه مي‌دهند توجيه كنند.

رويه‌هاي فني اين ايفلا در خصوص ايستگاه‌هاي اينترنتي كه آن‌ها ارايه مي‌دادند بسيار ضعيف بود. متاسفانه حدود 50 يا كمتر ايستگاه اينترنت براي همه شركت‌كنندگان بود. براي خدمات اينترنت بي‌سيم بايد هزينه پرداخت مي‌شد.

امكانات راحت براي شركت‌كنندگان نبود هيچ صندلي براي نشستن نبود و هيچ اتاقي براي اينكه شركت‌كنندگان وسيله‌هاي مورد نياز كنفرانس خود را در آن بگذارند. مهمترين مشكل اين بود كه افراد مسوول و پاسخگو نمي‌توانستند انگليسي صحبت كنند. از نكات خيلي خوب اين ايفلا جدول زمان‌بندي كنفرانس و محل برگزاري آن بود.

اميدوارم اين وبلاگ هر سال توسط نمايندگان ايرانداك به روز شود. با تشكر دوباره از دكتر فاطمي و ساير همكاران به خاطر تلاش‌هايشان براي اين ايفلا كه از من و دوستم پشتيباني كردند

ايفلاي 2009: 26 آگوست

يكي از برنامه‌ها در ايفلا بازديد كردن از كتابخانه‌هاست. بر اين اساس، من از كتابخانه Biblioteca Chiesa Rossa كه در اطراف ميلان قرار دارد بازديد كردم. اين يك كتابخانه براي بچه‌ها و والدين آن‌هاست. در آنجا خدمات پيشرفته زيادي مثل فهرستگان مشترك و ديگر پايگاه‌هاي اطلاعاتي مبتني بر وب وجود دارد. سپس من در دو نشست درباره حق مولف و چالش‌هاي پيايندها شركت كردم و موضوعات مورد علاقه‌ام را در اين ارايه‌ها پيدا نكردم. ايفلاي بعدي سال آينده در سوئد برگزار خواهد شد.

گزارش نمايشگاه

به ياد مي‌آوردم كه دو سال پيش ما در خواست خود را براي نمايه‌سازي مجله‌مان به ابسكو فرستاديم. اگرچه آن‌ها درخواست ما را پذيرفتند اما مجله ما درنمايه آنها قرار نگرفت. خوشبختانه آنها به ما اين بار اين قول را دادند كه اين كار را براي ما انجام دهند. من با غرفه‌هاي ديگر هم صحبت كردم و بيشتر هدف من از صحبت با آن‌ها نمايه كردن مجله‌مان در پايگاه‌هاي بين‌المللي بود.

ديروز بخش پوستر برنامه ديگر ما بود و ما پوستر همكاران خود خانم‌ها صديقي و انصافي را ديديم. خوشبختانه ايفلا آن را نصب كرده بود و من توانستم درباره پوستر و سازمان‌مان توضيح بدم.

روز سوم: 25 آگوست

امروز در بخش پوستر شركت كردم و عكس گرفتم. در ادامه بازديد از باقي غرفه‌ها، پايگاه‌ اطلاعاتي در فرانسه براي مدارك اروپايي يافتم كه خدمات تحويل مدركش پولي بود. بخش جالب، طراحان كتابخانه‌ها و مراكز اطلاع‌رساني بود. آنها ايده اتاق جيغ و اتاق بوكس را در كتابخانه‌اي در لهستان پرورانده بودند كه به جوانان كمك مي‌كرد هيجانات و خشم‌هاي خود را تخليه كنند.

همچنين شركت‌هايي وجود داشت كه خدمات و ماشين‌هاي ديجيتال‌سازي خود را نشان مي‌دهند كه مي‌تواند براي ايرانداك و ديگر موسساتي كه قصد ديجيتال‌سازي دارند مفيد باشد. غرفه‌اي براي تميز كردن كتاب‌ها بود ماشيني كه هر كتابي را به صورت خودكار از گرد و خاك پاك مي‌كرد.

از انتشارات بسياري از قبيل باوكر، جي‌استور و.... بازديد كردم. غرفه‌اي وجود داشت كه به كتابداران اروپايي اختصاص داده شده بود كه به حل مشكلات حق مولف رسيدگي مي‌كردند. آدرس وب‌سايت آن‌ها http://www.arrow-net.eu مي‌باشد.

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۵, پنجشنبه

Mission done

Visiting the booths, I've met a nice Iranian Lady, Mrs.Homa Malek, the dead of Int. Relation of BSI (cite-sciene.fr), she has arranged a visit to their great library in the heart of science in Paris. I thank her and her colleagues for their kindness toward me and my friends. I suggest you to tak a look at their website. Hope we can commence a cooperation between our organizations.
In the meantime, I've found that U.S. national Univ. in San Jose has started a new Ph.D. program with queensland univ. in Austalia as well as a new porgam for Master of LIS.
The opera at Teatro Alla Scala onn Aug. 23th arranged by ifla with the title "Not every sound disturbs librarians", I like the title,how about you?
The Oxford publication has suggest us to send our journal to them for peer reviewing procedure, they welcommed indexing our journal,JIST!!

The last day: 27th

Finally, the fifth day of IFLA 2009 came, the general them was about cultural heritage so everything has a taste of culture, all in all. The closing ceremony is going to be at 16-18 today and the Secretariat of the upcoming ifla is going to be pass to Swedish librarians. The next year is going to be at Gutenberg of Sweden with the theme which is going to be announced later.
The 75th Ifla has some great points according to scholarly communication, it has a well-organized exhibition which demonstrates well-known companies as well as publications regarding to LIS, but the information services for the product demonstration was weak. There were no person to answer the participant clearly with the boothes information and even the boothes responsible were not being brief by what they were offering!!!
The technological trends of this IFLA was poor regarding to the Internet station they offered, I afraid to say there was about 50 (or less) station for all participant to use Internet which is really astonishing!! you'd to pay for the wireless, I was surprised cause we have this service for free in our conference and hotels and we pay much less for the conference registration!
The comfortable facilities for participant was neat to NOTHING, there were no chair to take a sit for a while or no room to put our stuffs on, there were small tables to offer the catalogs and it was nothing comparing to the demands!
Ifla suppose to assign a human-guide (the volunteer who leads other to the conference venue) to help the participants reach the venue, I think they never even thought about that!!! they could at least put a sign or flag to get participant's attention.
The opening ceremony was in three languages, the french and Italian one could not been translated specially the second tableau (show) was in Italian!!!
The most problem was the responsible persons who could not speak in English and had no idea about the conference information and sessions!!!
The good points for this ifla was the time-table and punctuation as well as the venue. Strengthening the scholarly communication, we met special companies and persons to have further cooperation with.
I am going to stop blogging for a week but I am going to add some photos and other related information by the next weekend. I hope this blog can be update every year by Irandoc delegate.
Thanks again to Dr.Fatemi and other colleagues who support us and my friend,Miss.Haji azizi for her good effort on this Ifla.

IFLA2009: August 26th

One of the program in IFLA is the Library Visit. According to this, I visited Biblioteca Chiesa Rossa located in suburb of Milan. In fact, it was a farmland in which there were some buildings for farming and interestingly, they were changed to the library, while their structure was maintained. Although it is a public library for children and their parents, there are many advanced services like union catalogs and the other web-based databases! After that, I went to exhibition and poster session. Today was the last day for the exhibitors. Then, I participated in two sessions about copy right and serial challenges, but I didn’t find my favor subjects in their presents. Regarding to next IFLA which will held in Sweden, Swedish delegates try to introduce their country and show their capacity for this event. It seems that today was the last day of stay for many participants and many of them came IFlA while were carrying their suitcases.

The forth day: 26th

Hi again, Today was scheduled with the library visits suggested by IFLA secreteriat, we had to registered from a month ago.Let me indicate frankly that our libraries are much better than theirs!!! They use Dewey and did not expand it like iranians for Farsi, They have to re-built the library internal structure but not the outlook of the buildings that's why Milan looks like the 17th century, this may cause some problems for libraries regarding to the preservation, for sure. The Librarian does not have the highest prestigue here, the people use to read a lot, though. Beside, the Italian youth avoid going to school and finishing their highschool so the libraries have some projects to attract them to study!!! The music and movie collection is well-acquisied so the young come over to check out the new issues.
You can not find any difference between the library,houses, or museum here, everything seems old by the first glance!! Italian loves everything in it's traditional manner, they spend lots of time to have a good food and hanging out with the old friends. They don't bother themselves for the bad spirit and just go for fun, is obvious from their working environment. They concern about their clothes specially at work, It was amazing for me cause even in U.S. they have a uniform for a work environment which is going on here!
Comparing with Iran LIS achievment, I think they are far from us according to the librarians knowledge, I believe our problems get rouths in the financial issues.
P.S: I have some comments about Ifla on the whole, the management issues, the schedeling, time tables and so forth which I am going to write later.
To put MILAN in a nutshel, Not taking care of tourist issues, I am wondering how Italy attracts the tourists, there is almost nothing in English here and IFLA did not even offer anything regarding to the city orientation. Comparing with Norway, I found IFLA 2005 much better than this year, this is what I have heard from many participant.

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۴, چهارشنبه

exhibition report

I was about to write our report of my visiting exhibition. Yesterday (25 August), I went to exhibition again and as I said before, this section is very useful in which we can know more about various databases, services, and many different information products. Anyway, I made an appointment with Ebsco sale manager on 24 August and we negotiated about Jist indexing problem in the Ebsco database. I remind that about two years ago, we sent a request to them to index Jist. Although they accepted, Jist wasn’t included in their index. Fortunately, in our meeting they promised to include our journal. Visiting the other booths was also good and I tried to talk to them about various activities in IranDoc, frankly, Jist indexing in international databases was my priority. I talked about how to get information or document, too (as Dr. Fatemi emphasized), I’m sure that Mrs. Moradi have done that much better, though.
Poster session was another schedule for yesterday. We saw all posters including my colleagues’ (Mrs Sediqi and Mrs. Ensafi). Fortunately, IFLA provided a prit copy of that and installed it. I tried to introduced it and our organization.
The notebook battery is running out and I have to write about today events in another post.

Third day: 25th of Aug

Hi again, I can tell today was one of the rough days, I'd been in the poster session and taken so many pictures, I am going to add them to the weblog later,it's too much to be upload at the moment, They are great in bringing up a think to a bright idea!!
Visiting the rest of boothes I found a database in French for European documents which supports A PAY TO GO document delivery services, the seller was looking forward the financial barriers faces Iranian companies. The interesting part was the designers of libraries and Inf. Centers, they had brough up an idea of a SCREAMING ROOM and a BOXING room in the library in Poland which help the youthes to get through their excitement as well as anger!!! I have to show you the pictures, you gonna be amazed of what they have done with the libraries, it's a WOW one!!( makes you to say WOWWW)
There were also some companies demonestrating their digitalizing services and machines, this can be useful for irandoc as it has so many products, it can also help other insitute to digitalize theirs. In the meantime, there was a booth for CLEANING the book, the machin which cleans every book to get ride of dusts authomatically, I asked them if there have the same machine for cleaning the house, it was a joke though!!!
I've met many publication such as Bowker, J-stor, Duke University and so forth. It was informative. Oh, by the way there were a booth dedicate to European library which claims to solve the copyright problems, I have to check out the website to be assure of this, go to http://www.arrow-net.eu/ to find more about their goals. The responsible person was suprised by Iranian women's improvement specially in science and Technology.
Last but not least, I have to inform that the San Jose university in California has run a new program for master of LIS in a brand new field, you have to check out the website. They have new contract with Queensland of Australia for those have problem to go to U.S.!!check their site out, that would be intersting.
The day has end with a cultural program of Ifla which is run every year by ifla includes the cultural related events of the host country, honestly, this was the only time I could have found a time to visit the Doumo church, there was a concert their arranged by Ifla and a gallery to visit about Mont, the italian painter, works.

روز دوم: قسمت دوم

مصاحبه و صحبت‌هاي ما با ديگران انرژي زيادي را از ما مي‌برد. اما من واقعا خوشحالم از اينكه بسته وزيني از پژوهشگاه را كه ما به همراه داشتيم ديگران را متعجب مي‌ساخت. از آقاي رزمي (رييس روابط عمومي و امور بين الملل پژوهشگاه) و ديگر همكارانش به خاطر تهيه اين بسته متشكرم.

برنامه بعدازظهر يادگيري الكترونيكي در كتابخانه‌هاي نسل آينده و نشست دسترسي آزاد بود كه دكتر كوشا در آن مقاله داشت.

پوسترها فردا نشان داده مي شوند.

روز دوم: قسمت اول

من برنامه‌ريزي كرده بودم كه امروز از غرفه‌ها ديدن كنم. جستجو درباره آنچه كه آن‌ها ارايه مي‌دهند و آنچه كه انجام مي‌دهند به ويژه موارد مربوط به دسترسي آزاد و حق مولف. برخي شركت‌هايي وجود دارند كه خدمات تحويل مدرك ارايه مي‌دهند و برخي ديگر محصولات و نرم‌افزارهايي كه بيشترشان از زبان فارسي پشتيباني نمي‌كنند.

هدف ديگر من اُ.سي.ال.سي بود كه خبر نداشتند ما ديويي شخصي‌سازي شده داريم. آن‌ها يك نمايش آماري جالب در وب‌سايتشان داشتند كه انواع مختلف زبان‌ها را در مدارك با شكل رده‌بندي مردمي نشان مي‌داد. در بخش آمارهاي وب سايت آن‌ها مي‌توانيد آن را مشاهده نماييد.

كتابداران سفارتخانه آمريكا به من درباره ايرانداك گفتند و مي‌دانستند كه ايرانداك 40 سال پيش تاسيس شده است.

در زمان مهم ديگري كه با فرانسوي‌ها صحبت كردم آن‌ها، خدمتشان را به ما ارايه و پيشنهاد دادند. به ويژه درمورد استفاده رايگان از پايان‌نامه‌هاي پيوسته دكترايشان

من با برخي از موسسات چيني و ژاپني در حوزه اطلاع رساني و فناوري اطلاعات كه شبيه ايرانداك بودند صحبت كردم. من متوجه شدم كه ما در خدمات برتر هستيم.

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۳, سه‌شنبه

ديروز و امروز در ايفلاي 2009

ديروز بعد از مراسم بازگشايي كنفرانس در بخش جديدي شركت كردم. در واقع نشست دوستانه‌اي براي معرفي بعضي از بخش‌هاي ايفلا بود كه مباحث جدي در آن‌ها مطرح نمي‌شد. "ايفلا صداي كتابداران است"، به عنوان شعار ايفلاي 2009 اعلام شد. بعد از آن در نمايشگاهي شركت كردم كه در آن ناشران محصولات خود را معرفي مي‌كردند.

امروز، 24 آگوست، بر اساس جدول برنامه‌‌مان، در دموي ابسكو شركت كردم كه شركت‌كنندگان سوال‌هاي خود را درباره اين پايگاه اطلاعاتي مي‌پرسيدند و من هم صحبت طولاني با مدير فروش آن داشتم. به عقيده من بازديد از نمايشگاه‌ مهمترين بخش حضور ما در ايفلاست. خط‌مشي و يا رويه نمايه‌سازي آن‌ها براي نمايه‌سازي مجله ما (فصلنامه علوم و فناوري اطلاعات) با استفاده از اين پايگاه‌‌ها يكي از سوالات من بود. درباره ابزارها، خط مشي و هزينه خدمات پايگاه‌هاي اطلاعاتي از مسوولان آن‌ها سوالاتي پرسيده مي‌شد.

همچنين من در دو بخش شركت كردم: دسترسي آزاد و حق مولف كه اولين مورد براي من خيلي مفيد و دومين آن خيلي تخصصي بود كه كارشناسان گوگل، موضوعات جديدي را به آن مي‌افزودند و آن را غني مي‌كردند.

روز اول، 23 آگوست

بر اساس اهدافمان من برنامه‌هاي زير را براي اين روز در نظر گرفتم:

مراسم افتتاح كه درباره آن نوشتم

بخش كتابخانه‌هاي دانشگاهي و تحقيقاتي: بخش خيلي خوبي درباره موضوعات داغ بود و نشست‌هاي غير رسمي كه بعدها آن را به وب‌سايتشان اضافه مي‌كنند. موضوعات داغ مهم از نظر آن‌ها، ارتباطات علمي، روابط عمومي، فضاي كتابخانه، فناوري وب 2 و ... بود. نمايشگاه همچنين باز بود و تشريفات كوچكي براي آن برگزار شد.

من عكس گرفتم اما فرصت نكردم كه آن‌ها را آپلود كنم.

مراسم بازگشايي (افتتاحيه) كنفرانس

سالن مراسم پر شد و سالني ديگر براي كساني كه جا نداشتند مهيا شد. خوشبختانه ما در سالن اصلي با مترجم بوديم و برنامه به انگليسي، فرانسوي و ايتاليايي ترجمه مي‌شد.

رييس ايفلا درباره خلاقيت در كتابخانه‌ها، دسترسي آزاد و رابطه تجارت و كتابداري صحبت كرد. تابلو‌هاي موجود در مراسم بر ميراث فرهنگي و نقش كتابخانه‌ها در آن تمركز داشت. آخرين پيام اين بود كه كتاب‌ها هرگز از مد نخواهند افتاد. يك اپيزود جالبي درباره كمك كتابخانه‌ها به كاربران براي رشد و پيشرفتشان نمايش داده شد كه بسيار جالب بود.

yesterday and today fromthe other point of view

Thanks to Mrs. Moradi for creating this blog and sorry for my delay because of some problems in my notebook.
Yesterday (23 August): after the opening ceremony, I took part in new commers section. in fact it was a friendly meeting for introducing some sections of IFLA to new commers and serious discussion wasn’t presented. “IFLA is the voice of libraries” was announced as IFLA2009 motto. Then, I went to exhibition in which some publishers were introducing their products. My visit was short because exhibition visiting is my tomorrow schedule.

Today(24 August): according to our schedule, I participated in EBSCO demo present. In its panel, the participants asked some questions about this database. I liked to know more about EBSCO, so after the meeting, I had a long dialogue with its sale manager. After that, I went to the exhibition and visited some exhibitors. In the view of communication, I believe that visiting exhibition is the most important part of our attendance. Their indexing policy or procedure for our journal (JIST) indexing by these databases, was one of my questons. Additionally, they were questioned about their tools, policy, and cost of their services.
I also took part in two sections: open access and copy right that the first one was very useful and the second was very professional in which some google experts raised new topics.

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۲, دوشنبه

First day:Aug. 23th

We'd set a program upon our aims, mine was as below:
1.opening ceremony: I'd written about that.
2.Academic and research Library section: It was a great session about HOT TOPICS and an informal sessions which is going to be add to their website later. the main hot topics in their idea were scholarly communication,public relation, library space, we 2.0 technology, and workforce issues.
They were interested in Irandoc projects and service, in the other word they were SUPRISED!
3.The exhibition was opened too. there was a small ceremony for that.

* I've taken pictures but i don't have time to upload it!!!

second day: 24th PART 2

It seems I ran out of energy, the conversation part at the morning drained lots of energy,but I am really happy of suprising them with a decent package of Irandoc stuffs, Thanks to Mr.Razmi and his colleagues,hopefully we are going to recieve feedbacks after the conference from this part!
The evening was booked with the elearning in next generation librarians and open access session in which Dr.Kousha had a present!
I am going to add some issues which to have to be focused on the further researched derived from these sessions, I hope there would be a time to upload them, I am thinking about an innovative way to publish them, what's your idea?
The posters gonna be demonestrated tomorrow!!

The second day: 24th PART 1

Hi everybody,
let me start from the very first, I'd scheduled to visit the booths today, exploring what they offer and what they do specially regarding to the open access and copyright issues, there are some companies offer document delivery services and some offering their products and softwares, almost all of them did not support Farsi and they never even though about that before. They though the Farsi is hard to cope with regarding to the techical issued.
The OCLC was the other target, they didn't know we had customized DC, they had a nice statistc demonestration on their website showing the verity of languages in documents with a folksonomy format,it was a bright idea! check out their website and find the mentioned statistics in the STATISTICS section.
Moreover,the united states embassy libraries has told me about Irandoc and they knew it was established 40 years ago, I don't have any idea from where did they find this information!
In the meantime, I've found France has offered their service,specially for Ph.D. thesis ONLINE for free!!
Last but not least, I talked with some institute like Japan and China Institue of IS and IT, somehow similar to Irandoc, I found that we are the premier in services,still!!! Think it was informtive as well as useful!
oh by they way, I have to write about a scholarship for LIS students who are good in french,they are going to attend in a grant program in LIS in France. I gonna write about it with details,later.

p.s:I don't know what's happened with the weblog, it's right to left now!!!do you know how

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۱, یکشنبه

Opening Ceremony

hi again, I've written this in hurry in the conference venue and send it to the draft instead of posting it!!

=>we just arrived and come directly to the conference!!! They have set everything alreay and the stuff have been collected,on time. The openning ceremony has begon and the salon is full so they set another salone for others,hopefully we got spots to enter the main salon with the translators,the program is in En, Fr, and Italy including a short episode, four tableaus, and some speeches.
Ifla president has mentioned about creativity in libraries,open access and the correlation of business and libraries. The tableaus are focusing on cultural heritage and the library roles in this issues, the message of the latest was about books never go off fasion, they mixed the subject with fasion and catwalk in Milan, It was hillarious.
there was a funny episode being played about the library help user to grow up, this one was fantastic!!!
*I've heard Italians have a good sense of humer, now I believe it.
* Sorry in advance for the grammatical and spelling errors in the posts, I am in hurry!!

ميلان ما داريم ميايم

از دكتر فاطمي، رييس پژوهشگاه و ديگر همكاران (آقايان همتي، شيدايي و رزمي) به خاطر نظرات روشن خود متشكريم. سرانجام همه چيز براي رفتن من (شيما مرادي) و همكارم ناديا حاجي‌عزيزي براي شركت در هفتاد و پنجمين كنفرانس ايفلا از طرف ايرانداك مهيا شد.
ما قصد داريم در اين وبلاگ نشست‌هاي ايفلا، بازديدها و ديگر رويدادهاي كنفرانس را اطلاع‌رساني كنيم. همچنين در تلاشيم آنجا مصاحبه‌هايي را بر اساس اهداف ارتباطات علمي ترتيب دهيم. محدثه دخت‌عصمتي، ديگر همكار من در ايران، اطلاعات اين وبلاگ را به فارسي منتشر مي‌كند.
در صورت نياز براي تماس با ما در خصوص ايفلا لطفا تنها با ايميل‌هاي ذيل ارتباط برقرار نماييد:
shmoradi AT gmail DOT com
ndazizi AT gmail DOT com

پوستر سركار خانم‌ها صديقي و انصافي از همكاران ما در پژوهشگاه در ايفلاي 2009 پذيرفته شده است به آن‌ها تبريك مي‌گوييم.
در اينجا مي‌توانيد اطلاعات بيشتري را از ايفلاي امسال بخوانيد

۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۲۸, چهارشنبه

Milan we are coming

Thanks to Dr.Fatemi, the director, and other colleagues (Mr.Hemmati, Sheydaee and Razmi) for their bright comments; finally, everything has been set up and my colleague Nadia Hajiazizi and I are going to attend in the following 75th Ifla Conference in Italy on behalf of Irandoc. We are going to blog what is going around IFLA sessions, visits, and events. Besides, We also try to arrange some interviews regarding to our scientific communications goals. Mohadese Dokhtesmati, the other colleague from Iran, is going to cover the issues in Farsi.
Need to contact us regarding to IFLA issues, please drop us a line via the emails below:

shmoradi AT gmail DOT com & ndazizi AT gmail DOT com

Hopefully, my next postings are from Italy!

P.s 1: Mrs.Sadighi and Ensafi's poster has been accepted in Ifla 2009, on be half of Irandoc. Congratulation to them!
P.S 2: Here you can find more about the 75th IFLA conference in Milan from 23 to 27th of Auguest 2009.

Irandoc in a nutshell

IRANDOC (IRANian Research Institute for Scientific Information and DOCumentation) main line of activities are research, training anText Colord provision of information service. Research on information science, is carried out by Research units. These units are engaged Library & information, Information Analysis, Information systems Management, Terminology &Thesauri and Information Technology.
IRANDOC is also a national depository for scientific and technological documents in Iran as well as the secretariat and a member of National Research Council of Islamic Republic of Iran, and represent Iran in APIN (a UNESCO-supported regional network for the exchange of information and experience in science and technology in Asia and the Pacific). IRANDOC is also a national member of international bodies such as IFLA and ASLIB.
Hopefully, IRANDOC IS going to participate in IFLA conferences every year regarding to the scientific goals. This conference can be a good example to strengthen the scientific communications aspects of every organisations.